This document proposes the addition of Partitioned Top Level Acceleration Structures (PTLAS) as an alternative to the existing TLAS.
1. Problem Statement
With an increase in scene complexity and expansive game worlds, the number of instances has surged in ray tracing over the last few years. The current Top Level Acceleration Structure (TLAS) API necessitates a full rebuild of the entire data structure even when only a few instances are modified, which does not leverage temporal consistency across frames, especially in scenarios where most of the scene remains unchanged.
2. Solution Space
An alternative to the existing TLAS that enables the efficient reuse of previously built sections of the acceleration structure and supporting a higher number of instances would result in faster build times and better management of increased scene complexity.
3. Proposal
This extension introduces Partitioned Top Level Acceleration Structures (PTLAS) as an alternative to the existing TLAS. PTLAS enables the efficient reuse of previously constructed parts of the acceleration structure, resulting in much faster build times and supporting a higher number of instances. From the standpoint of ray tracing shaders and pipelines, PTLAS functions the same way as the current TLAS.
A PTLAS differs from a non-partitioned TLAS by organizing instances into partitions. The PTLAS build process has two stages: first, it creates an acceleration structure for each partition by grouping instances within it, and second, it combines these partition structures into a single acceleration structure, similar to a TLAS.
The performance benefits of PTLAS depend on how instances and partitions are organized. Grouping many instances into fewer partitions may enhance trace performance but slow down rebuilds. Conversely, dividing instances into more partitions can speed up updates but might reduce trace performance. Spatial overlap between partitions can negatively affect performance, similar to instance overlap in TLAS.
PTLAS features a special global partition that operates separately from other partitions. Instances can be assigned to this global partition just like other partitions but with distinct characteristics. It has an independent size limit and, during the build process, instances in the global partition are treated as if they were in individual partitions, without increasing the maximum partition count. The global partition is ideal for frequently updated instances, such as animated characters, as it reduces the build cost and minimizes trace performance issues. However, instances in the global partition still affect build performance, so once they are stable, they should be moved to a spatially optimized, non-global partition.
To handle large worlds requiring more precision than 32-bit floating-point numbers offer, the PTLAS supports efficient partition translation. Typically, applications manage precision by positioning the world center close to the camera, but partition translation allows an additional translation of instances during construction without altering their stored transform. This method lets instance transforms be stored relative to their partitions, with the translation applied to achieve accurate world positions. This approach maintains higher precision with smaller floating-point numbers until the structure is built. Efficient updates to world space coordinates can be made without rebuilding the entire PTLAS. Using partition translation requires extra memory for storing un-translated instance transforms and must be enabled with a construction flag.
4. API Features
The following provides a basic overview of how this extension can be used:
4.1. Feature
The following feature is exposed by this extension:
typedef struct VkPhysicalDevicePartitionedAccelerationStructureFeaturesNV {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkBool32 partitionedAccelerationStructure;
} VkPhysicalDevicePartitionedAccelerationStructureFeaturesNV;
is the core feature enabling this extension’s
4.2. Properties
The following properties are exposed by this extension:
typedef struct VkPhysicalDevicePartitionedAccelerationStructurePropertiesNV {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
uint32_t maxPartitionCount;
} VkPhysicalDevicePartitionedAccelerationStructurePropertiesNV;
indicates the maximum number of partitions allowed in a
partitioned acceleration structure.
4.3. Commands
This extension provides a host-side query function to fetch the memory requirements of PTLAS and a single versatile multi-indirect function for managing PTLAS which allows applications to create and update instances from bottom level acceleration structures, assign instances to partitions and assign translation vectors to a partition.
4.3.1. Checking memory requirements
To determine the memory requirements for building a partitioned top level acceleration structure, call:
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkGetPartitionedAccelerationStructuresBuildSizesNV(
VkDevice device,
VkPartitionedAccelerationStructureInstancesInputNV const* pInfo,
VkAccelerationStructureBuildSizesInfoKHR* pSizeInfo);
where pInfo
contains the parameters of the memory requirements query and
contains the resulting memory requirements.
contains the upper limits on number of instances, partitions, maximum instances in a partition or global partition and is defined as:
typedef struct VkPartitionedAccelerationStructureInstancesInputNV {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkBuildAccelerationStructureFlagsKHR flags;
uint32_t instanceCount;
uint32_t maxInstancePerPartitionCount;
uint32_t partitionCount;
uint32_t maxInstanceInGlobalPartitionCount;
} VkPartitionedAccelerationStructureInstancesInputNV;
is a bitmask ofVkBuildAccelerationStructureFlagsKHR
specifying flags for the PTLAS build operation. -
is the number of instances in this PTLAS. -
is the maximum number of instances per partition in the PTLAS. -
is the number of partitions in the PTLAS. -
is maximum number of instances in the global partition.
4.3.2. Performing build
To build a partitioned top level acceleration structure call:
VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL vkCmdBuildPartitionedAccelerationStructuresNV(
VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
VkBuildPartitionedAccelerationStructureInfoNV const* pBuildInfo);
is a pointer to aVkBuildPartitionedAccelerationStructureInfoNV
structure containing parameters required for building a partitioned top level acceleration structure and is defined as:
typedef struct VkBuildPartitionedAccelerationStructureInfoNV {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkPartitionedAccelerationStructureInstancesInputNV input;
VkDeviceAddress srcAccelerationStructureData;
VkDeviceAddress dstAccelerationStructureData;
VkDeviceAddress scratchData;
VkDeviceAddress srcInfos;
VkDeviceAddress srcInfosCount;
} VkBuildPartitionedAccelerationStructureInfoNV;
is aVkPartitionedAccelerationStructureInstancesInputNV
structure describing the instance and partition count information in the PTLAS. -
or an address of a previously built PTLAS. If non-NULL, the PTLAS stored at this address is used as a basis to create new PTLAS. -
is the address to store the built PTLAS. -
is the device address of scratch memory that will be used during PTLAS build. -
is the device address of an array ofVkBuildPartitionedAccelerationStructureIndirectCommandNV
structures describing the type of operation to perform and is described in more detail below. -
is a device address containing the size ofsrcInfos
If using partition translation, the pNext
field of VkPartitionedAccelerationStructureInstancesInputNV
must include a VkPartitionedAccelerationStructureFlagsNV
structure that enables translation.
The VkPartitionedAccelerationStructureFlagsNV
is defined as:
typedef struct VkPartitionedAccelerationStructureFlagsNV {
VkStructureType sType;
void* pNext;
VkBool32 enablePartitionTranslation;
} VkPartitionedAccelerationStructureFlagsNV;
The VkBuildPartitionedAccelerationStructureIndirectCommandNV
structure is defined as:
typedef struct VkBuildPartitionedAccelerationStructureIndirectCommandNV {
VkPartitionedAccelerationStructureOpTypeNV opType;
uint32_t argCount;
VkStridedDeviceAddressNV argData;
} VkBuildPartitionedAccelerationStructureIndirectCommandNV;
is aVkPartitionedAccelerationStructureOpTypeNV
structure describing the type of operation. The operation type can be instance write (VK_PARTITIONED_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_OP_TYPE_WRITE_INSTANCE_NV
). See more details below. -
the number of structures inargData
array. -
is an array ofVkStridedDeviceAddressNV
structures containing the write or update data for instances and partitions in the PTLAS. The structure is dependent onopType
If opType
, argData
must contain an array of VkPartitionedAccelerationStructureWriteInstanceDataNV
This opType
is used to assign a transformed bottom level acceleration structure to an instance and partition. This is similar to VkAccelerationStructureInstanceKHR
that defines the properties and transformations
for a single instance in non-partitioned TLAS. Any partition that contains at least one of the affected instances will have their internal acceleration structure rebuilt.
structure is defined as:
typedef struct VkPartitionedAccelerationStructureWriteInstanceDataNV {
VkTransformMatrixKHR transform;
float explicitAABB[6];
uint32_t instanceID;
uint32_t instanceMask;
uint32_t instanceContributionToHitGroupIndex;
VkPartitionedAccelerationStructureInstanceFlagsNV instanceFlags;
uint32_t instanceIndex;
uint32_t partitionIndex;
VkDeviceAddress accelerationStructure;
} VkPartitionedAccelerationStructureWriteInstanceDataNV;
is aVkTransformMatrixKHR
structure describing the transformation to be applied to the instance in PTLAS. -
specifies an axis aligned bounding box representing the maximum extent of any vertex within the used acceleration structure after applying the instance-to-world transformation. The partition translation is not applied to the bounding box. -
is a 24-bit user specified constant assigned to an instance in the PTLAS. -
is a 8-bit mask assigned to the instance that may be used to include or reject group of instances. -
is a per instance value added in the indexing into the shader binding table to fetch the hit group to use. -
is a bitmask ofVkPartitionedAccelerationStructureInstanceFlagsNV
specifying flags an instance in the PTLAS. -
is the index of the instance within the PTLAS. -
is the index of the partition to which this instance belongs. Global partitions are referred to byVK_PARTITIONED_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_PARTITION_INDEX_GLOBAL_NV
. -
is the device address of the bottom level acceleration structure or a clustered bottom level acceleration structure that is being instanced. This instance is disabled if the device address is 0.
If opType
, argData
must contain an array of VkPartitionedAccelerationStructureUpdateInstanceDataNV
This is used to update an instance with a new bottom level acceleration structure. VkPartitionedAccelerationStructureUpdateInstanceDataNV
structure is defined as:
typedef struct VkPartitionedAccelerationStructureUpdateInstanceDataNV {
uint32_t instanceIndex;
uint32_t instanceContributionToHitGroupIndex;
VkDeviceAddress accelerationStructure;
} VkPartitionedAccelerationStructureUpdateInstanceDataNV;
is the index of the instance being updated. -
is a per instance value added in the indexing into the shader binding table to fetch the hit group to use. -
is the device address of the bottom level acceleration structure or a clustered bottom level acceleration structure whose instance is being updated. The instance is disabled if the device address is 0.
If opType
, argData
must contain an array of VkPartitionedAccelerationStructureWritePartitionTranslationDataNV
This is used to assign a translation vector to a partition.
typedef struct VkPartitionedAccelerationStructureWritePartitionTranslationDataNV {
uint32_t partitionIndex;
float partitionTranslation[3];
} VkPartitionedAccelerationStructureWritePartitionTranslationDataNV;
is the index of partition to write. Global partitions are referred to byVK_PARTITIONED_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_PARTITION_INDEX_GLOBAL_NV
. -
sets the translation vector for this partition. When tracing this partition, the contained instances will behave as if the partition translation was added to the translation component of the instance transform. This translation vector is also added to the instances in the partition that had their bounding box specified.