
This specification is based on the work of those who contributed to past versions of the Open GL and Open GL ES Language Specifications and the following contributors to this version:

Jeff Bolz, NVIDIA
Pierre Boudier, AMD
Pat Brown, NVIDIA
Frank Chen
Piers Daniell, NVIDIA
Chris Dodd, NVIDIA
Jason Green, Transgaming
Nick Haemel, NVIDIA
Brent Insko, Intel
Daniel Koch, NVIDIA
Jon Leech
Graeme Leese, Broadcom
Bill Licea-Kane, Qualcomm
Barthold Lichtenbelt, NVIDIA
Bruce Merry, ARM
Robert Ohannessian
Tom Olson, ARM
Brian Paul, VMware
Acorn Pooley, NVIDIA
Daniel Rakos, AMD
Christophe Riccio, AMD
Kevin Rogovin
Ian Romanick, Intel
Greg Roth, NVIDIA
Jeremy Sandmel, Apple
Graham Sellers, AMD
Dave Shreiner, ARM
Robert Simpson, Qualcomm
Eric Werness, NVIDIA
Mark Young, AMD