Statements and Structure

The fundamental building blocks of the OpenGL Shading Language are:

  • statements and declarations

  • function definitions

  • selection (if-else and switch-case-default)

  • iteration (for, while, and do-while)

  • jumps (discard, return, break, and continue)

The overall structure of a shader is as follows

translation-unit :

translation-unit global-declaration

global-declaration :


That is, a shader is a sequence of declarations and function bodies. Function bodies are defined as

function-definition :

function-prototype { statement-list }

statement-list :

statement-list statement

statement :


Curly braces are used to group sequences of statements into compound statements.

compound-statement :

{ statement-list }

simple-statement :


Simple declaration, expression, and jump statements end in a semi-colon.

This above is slightly simplified, and the complete grammar specified in “Shading Language Grammar” should be used as the definitive specification.

Declarations and expressions have already been discussed.

Function Definitions

As indicated by the grammar above, a valid shader is a sequence of global declarations and function definitions. A function is declared as the following example shows:

// prototype
returnType functionName (type0 arg0, type1 arg1, ..., typen argn);

and a function is defined like

// definition
returnType functionName (type0 arg0, type1 arg1, ..., typen argn)
    // do some computation
    return returnValue;

where returnType must be present and cannot be void, or:

void functionName (type0 arg0, type1 arg1, ..., typen argn)
    // do some computation
    return; // optional

If the type of returnValue does not match returnType, there must be an implicit conversion in “Implicit Conversions” that converts the type of returnValue to returnType, or a compile-time error will result.

Each of the typeN must include a type and can optionally include parameter qualifiers. The formal argument names (args above) in the declarations are optional for both the declaration and definition forms.

A function is called by using its name followed by a list of arguments in parentheses.

Arrays are allowed as arguments and as the return type. In both cases, the array must be explicitly sized. An array is passed or returned by using just its name, without brackets, and the size of the array must match the size specified in the function’s declaration.

Structures are also allowed as argument types. The return type can also be a structure.

See “Shading Language Grammar” for the definitive reference on the syntax to declare and define functions.

All functions must be either declared with a prototype or defined with a body before they are called. For example:

float myfunc (float f,      // f is an input parameter
              out float g); // g is an output parameter

Functions that return no value must be declared as void. A void function can only use return without a return argument, even if the return argument has void type. Return statements only accept values:

void func1() { }
void func2() { return func1(); } // illegal return statement

Only a precision qualifier is allowed on the return type of a function. Formal parameters can have parameter, precision, and memory qualifiers, but no other qualifiers.

Functions that accept no input arguments need not use void in the argument list because prototypes (or definitions) are required and therefore there is no ambiguity when an empty argument list “( )” is declared. The idiom “(void)” as a parameter list is provided for convenience.

Function names can be overloaded. The same function name can be used for multiple functions, as long as the parameter types differ. If a function name is declared twice with the same parameter types, then the return types and all qualifiers must also match, and it is the same function being declared.

For example,

vec4 f(in vec4 x, out vec4 y);       // (A)
vec4 f(in vec4 x, out uvec4 y);      // (B) okay, different argument type
vec4 f(in ivec4 x, out dvec4 y);     // (C) okay, different argument type
int f(in vec4 x, out vec4 y);        // error, only return type differs
vec4 f(in vec4 x, in vec4 y);        // error, only qualifier differs
vec4 f(const in vec4 x, out vec4 y); // error, only qualifier differs

When function calls are resolved, an exact type match for all the arguments is sought. If an exact match is found, all other functions are ignored, and the exact match is used. If no exact match is found, then the implicit conversions in section “Implicit Conversions” will be applied to find a match. Mismatched types on input parameters (in or inout or default) must have a conversion from the calling argument type to the formal parameter type. Mismatched types on output parameters (out or inout) must have a conversion from the formal parameter type to the calling argument type.

If implicit conversions can be used to find more than one matching function, a single best-matching function is sought. To determine a best match, the conversions between calling argument and formal parameter types are compared for each function argument and pair of matching functions. After these comparisons are performed, each pair of matching functions are compared. A function declaration A is considered a better match than function declaration B if

  • for at least one function argument, the conversion for that argument in A is better than the corresponding conversion in B; and

  • there is no function argument for which the conversion in B is better than the corresponding conversion in A.

If a single function declaration is considered a better match than every other matching function declaration, it will be used. Otherwise, a compile-time semantic error for an ambiguous overloaded function call occurs.

To determine whether the conversion for a single argument in one match is better than that for another match, the following rules are applied, in order:

  1. An exact match is better than a match involving any implicit conversion.

  2. A match involving an implicit conversion from float to double is better than a match involving any other implicit conversion.

  3. A match involving an implicit conversion from either int or uint to float is better than a match involving an implicit conversion from either int or uint to double.

If none of the rules above apply to a particular pair of conversions, neither conversion is considered better than the other.

For the example function prototypes (A), (B), and © above, the following examples show how the rules apply to different sets of calling argument types:

f(vec4, vec4)   // exact match of vec4 f(in vec4 x, out vec4 y)
f(vec4, uvec4)  // exact match of vec4 f(in vec4 x, out uvec4 y)
f(vec4, ivec4)  // matched to vec4 f(in vec4 x, out vec4 y)
                // (C) not relevant, can't convert vec4 to
                // ivec4. (A) better than (B) for 2nd
                // argument (rule 3), same on first argument.
f(ivec4, vec4); // NOT matched. All three match by implicit
                // conversion. (C) is better than (A) and (B)
                // on the first argument. (A) is better than
                // (B) and (C).

User-defined functions can have multiple declarations, but only one definition.

A shader can redefine built-in functions. If a built-in function is redeclared in a shader (i.e., a prototype is visible) before a call to it, then the linker will only attempt to resolve that call within the set of shaders that are linked with it.

The function main is used as the entry point to a shader executable. A shader need not contain a function named main, but one shader in a set of shaders linked together to form a single shader executable must, or a link-time error results. This function takes no arguments, returns no value, and must be declared as type void:

void main()

The function main can contain uses of return. See “Jumps” for more details.

It is a compile-time or link-time error to declare or define a function main with any other parameters or return type.

Function Calling Conventions

Functions are called by value-return. This means input arguments are copied into the function at call time, and output arguments are copied back to the caller before function exit. Because the function works with local copies of parameters, there are no issues regarding aliasing of variables within a function. To control what parameters are copied in and/or out through a function definition or declaration:

  • The keyword in is used as a qualifier to denote a parameter is to be copied in, but not copied out.

  • The keyword out is used as a qualifier to denote a parameter is to be copied out, but not copied in. This should be used whenever possible to avoid unnecessarily copying parameters in.

  • The keyword inout is used as a qualifier to denote the parameter is to be both copied in and copied out. It means the same thing as specifying both in and out.

  • A function parameter declared with no such qualifier means the same thing as specifying in.

All arguments are evaluated at call time, exactly once, in order, from left to right. Evaluation of an in parameter results in a value that is copied to the formal parameter. Evaluation of an out parameter results in an l-value that is used to copy out a value when the function returns. Evaluation of an inout parameter results in both a value and an l-value; the value is copied to the formal parameter at call time and the l-value is used to copy out a value when the function returns.


Because out parameters are not copied into a function, they begin the function uninitialized. At the end of the function, the values are copied out to the caller unconditionally which, if the value has not been set in the function, will result in the passed argument becoming uninitialized in the caller.

The order in which output parameters are copied back to the caller is undefined.

If the function matching described in the previous section required argument type conversions, these conversions are applied at copy-in and copy-out times.

In a function, writing to an input-only parameter is allowed. Only the function’s copy is modified. This can be prevented by declaring a parameter with the const qualifier.

When calling a function, expressions that do not evaluate to l-values cannot be passed to parameters declared as out or inout, or a compile-time error results.

The syntax for function prototypes can be informally expressed as:

function-prototype :

return-type function-name ( parameter-qualifiers type-specifier name array-specifier , …​ )

return-type :

precision-qualifier type-specifier

parameter-qualifiers :

parameter-qualifiers parameter-qualifier

parameter-qualifier :


name :


array-specifier :

[ integral-constant-expression ]

The const qualifier cannot be used with out or inout, or a compile-time error results. The above is used both for function declarations (i.e., prototypes) and for function definitions. Hence, function definitions can have unnamed arguments.

Static, and hence dynamic, recursion is not allowed. Static recursion is present if the static function-call graph of a program contains cycles. This includes all potential function calls through variables declared as subroutine uniform (described below). It is a compile-time or link-time error if a single compilation unit (shader) contains either static recursion or the potential for recursion through subroutine variables. Dynamic recursion occurs if at any time control flow has entered but not exited a single function more than once.


Subroutines provide a mechanism allowing shaders to be compiled in a manner where the target of one or more function calls can be changed at run-time without requiring any shader recompilation. For example, a single shader may be compiled with support for multiple illumination algorithms to handle different kinds of lights or surface materials. An application using such a shader may switch illumination algorithms by changing the value of its subroutine uniforms. To use subroutines, a subroutine type is declared, one or more functions are associated with that subroutine type, and a subroutine variable of that type is declared. The function currently assigned to the variable function is then called by using function calling syntax replacing a function name with the name of the subroutine variable. Subroutine variables are uniforms, and are assigned to specific functions only through commands (UniformSubroutinesuiv) in the OpenGL API.

Subroutine functionality is not available when generating SPIR-V.

Subroutine types are declared using a statement similar to a function declaration, with the subroutine keyword, as follows:

subroutine returnType subroutineTypeName(type0 arg0, type1 arg1,
                                         ..., typen argn);

As with function declarations, the formal argument names (args above) are optional. Functions are associated with subroutine types of matching declarations by defining the function with the subroutine keyword and a list of subroutine types the function matches:

subroutine(subroutineTypeName0, ..., subroutineTypeNameN)
returnType functionName(type0 arg0, type1 arg1, ..., typen argn)
{ ... } // function body

It is a compile-time error if arguments and return type don’t match between the function and each associated subroutine type.

Functions declared with subroutine must include a body. An overloaded function cannot be declared with subroutine; a program will fail to compile or link if any shader or stage contains two or more functions with the same name if the name is associated with a subroutine type.

A function declared with subroutine can also be called directly with a static use of functionName, as is done with non-subroutine function declarations and calls.

Subroutine type variables are required to be subroutine uniforms, and are declared with a specific subroutine type in a subroutine uniform variable declaration:

subroutine uniform subroutineTypeName subroutineVarName;

Subroutine uniform variables are called the same way functions are called. When a subroutine variable (or an element of a subroutine variable array) is associated with a particular function, all function calls through that variable will call that particular function.

Unlike other uniform variables, subroutine uniform variables are scoped to the shader execution stage the variable is declared in.

Subroutine variables may be declared as explicitly-sized arrays, which can be indexed only with dynamically uniform expressions.

It is a compile-time error to use the subroutine keyword in any places other than (as shown above) to

  • declare a subroutine type at global scope,

  • declare a function as a subroutine, or

  • declare a subroutine variable at global scope.


Conditional control flow in the shading language is done by either if, if-else, or switch statements:

selection-statement :

if ( bool-expression ) statement
if ( bool-expression ) statement else statement
switch ( init-expression ) { switch-statement-listopt }

Where switch-statement-list is a nested scope containing a list of zero or more switch-statement and other statements defined by the language, where switch-statement adds some forms of labels. That is

switch-statement-list :

switch-statement-list switch-statement

switch-statement :

case constant-expression :
default : statement

Note the above grammar’s purpose is to aid discussion in this section; the normative grammar is in “Shading Language Grammar”.

If an if-expression evaluates to true, then the first statement is executed. If it evaluates to false and there is an else part then the second statement is executed.

Any expression whose type evaluates to a Boolean can be used as the conditional expression bool-expression. Vector types are not accepted as the expression to if.

Conditionals can be nested.

The type of init-expression in a switch statement must be a scalar integer. The type of the constant-expression value in a case label also must be a scalar integer. When any pair of these values is tested for “equal value” and the types do not match, an implicit conversion will be done to convert the int to a uint (see “Implicit Conversions”) before the compare is done. If a case label has a constant-expression of equal value to init-expression, execution will continue after that label. Otherwise, if there is a default label, execution will continue after that label. Otherwise, execution skips the rest of the switch statement. It is a compile-time error to have more than one default or a replicated constant-expression. A break statement not nested in a loop or other switch statement (either not nested or nested only in if or if-else statements) will also skip the rest of the switch statement. Fall through labels are allowed, but it is a compile-time error to have no statement between a label and the end of the switch statement. No statements are allowed in a switch statement before the first case statement.

The case and default labels can only appear within a switch statement. No case or default labels can be nested inside other statements or compound statements within their corresponding switch.


For, while, and do loops are allowed as follows:

for (init-expression; condition-expression; loop-expression)
while (condition-expression)
while (condition-expression)

See “Shading Language Grammar” for the definitive specification of loops.

The for loop first evaluates the init-expression, then the condition-expression. If the condition-expression evaluates to true, then the body of the loop is executed. After the body is executed, a for loop will then evaluate the loop-expression, and then loop back to evaluate the condition-expression, repeating until the condition-expression evaluates to false. The loop is then exited, skipping its body and skipping its loop-expression. Variables modified by the loop-expression maintain their value after the loop is exited, provided they are still in scope. Variables declared in init-expression or condition-expression are only in scope until the end of the sub-statement of the for loop.

The while loop first evaluates the condition-expression. If true, then the body is executed. This is then repeated, until the condition-expression evaluates to false, exiting the loop and skipping its body. Variables declared in the condition-expression are only in scope until the end of the sub-statement of the while loop.

The do-while loop first executes the body, then executes the condition-expression. This is repeated until condition-expression evaluates to false, and then the loop is exited.

Expressions for condition-expression must evaluate to a Boolean.

Both the condition-expression and the init-expression can declare and initialize a variable, except in the do-while loop, which cannot declare a variable in its condition-expression. The variable’s scope lasts only until the end of the sub-statement that forms the body of the loop.

Loops can be nested.

Non-terminating loops are allowed. The consequences of very long or non-terminating loops are platform dependent.


These are the jumps:

jump_statement :

continue ;
break ;
return ;
return expression ;
discard ; // in the fragment shader language only

There is no “goto” or other non-structured flow of control.

The continue jump is used only in loops. It skips the remainder of the body of the inner-most loop of which it is inside. For while and do-while loops, this jump is to the next evaluation of the loop condition-expression from which the loop continues as previously defined. For for loops, the jump is to the loop-expression, followed by the condition-expression.

The break jump can also be used only in loops and switch statements. It is simply an immediate exit of the inner-most loop or switch statements containing the break. No further execution of condition-expression, loop-expression, or switch-statement is done.

The discard keyword is only allowed within fragment shaders. It can be used within a fragment shader to abandon the operation on the current fragment. This keyword causes the fragment to be discarded and no updates to any buffers will occur. Any prior writes to other buffers such as shader storage buffers are unaffected. Control flow exits the shader, and subsequent implicit or explicit derivatives are undefined when this control flow is non-uniform (meaning different fragments within the primitive take different control paths). It would typically be used within a conditional statement, for example:

if (intensity < 0.0)

A fragment shader may test a fragment’s alpha value and discard the fragment based on that test. However, it should be noted that coverage testing occurs after the fragment shader runs, and the coverage test can change the alpha value.

The return jump causes immediate exit of the current function. If it has expression then that is the return value for the function.

The function main can use return. This simply causes main to exit in the same way as when the end of the function had been reached. It does not imply a use of discard in a fragment shader. Using return in main before defining outputs will have the same behavior as reaching the end of main before defining outputs.