Vulkan Samples third-party dependencies
This project has multiple third-party dependencies, each of which may have independent licensing:
astc-encoder: ASTC Evaluation Codec
Catch2: Modern C++ test framework
CLI11 Command line parser for C++11 and beyond
CTPL: Thread Pool Library
fmt: A modern formating library
glfw: A multi-platform library for OpenGL, OpenGL ES, Vulkan, window and input
glm: OpenGL Mathematics
glslang: Shader front end and validator
HWCPipe: Interface to mobile Hardware Counters
dear imgui: Immediate Mode Graphical User Interface
KTX-Software: Khronos Texture Library and Tools
OpenCL: Khronos OpenCL-Headers
spdlog: Fast C++ logging library
SPIRV-Cross: Parses and converts SPIR-V to other shader languages
stb: Single-file public domain (or MIT licensed) libraries
tinygltf: Header only C++11 glTF 2.0 file parser
tracy: Frame profiler
nlohmann json: C++ JSON Library (included by tinygltf)
vma: Vulkan Memory Allocator
volk: Meta loader for Vulkan API
Vulkan: Sources for the formal documentation of the Vulkan API